Wednesday, November 16, 2016


"ENTERTAINING LIFE's MOMENTS" through your own movements. My "ENTERTAINING" has and is music, sounds, and body movements. I have been partnered with "My-Gentleman" who is "ENTERTAINED" with the same "GIFT-WRAPPING" for LIFE". We have been "empowered" further with three children, who "CONTINOUSLY"  "empowers" us with "ENTERTAINING" moves. First our daughter, who through the movement of "STROKES" in the water, "ENTERTAINED" us. When she started learning how to "STROKE",  her first race, it was soon after, because she began the classes late. She won for us because she did not give up. She when from start to finish. Next, our older son, his "ENTERTAINING", "Movements", "pedaling". Even though his range was to stay close to home, he was caught out of the radius assigned. Daddy on his way from work will see him out of radius, yet his quick pedaling got him home first. Our younger son, his "ENTERTAINING" "Movements" are from one end of the field to the other with quick maneuvers, and  resourceful, "Moves". Yet he also composes sound for "ENTERTAINMENT" "GIFTING" us with the "ENTERTAINING" sounds of music. Our "Gift-Wrapping" of "LIFE-ENTERTAINING-MOMENTS", continues with family extensions and their unique "MOVE". Seek and we are sure you will find and see your own "ENTERTAINING-LIFE's-MOMENTS".

"ENTERTAINING LIFE's MOMENTS" continues with "MOVEMENTS" that empowers the physical body. Those "MOVEMENTS" are composed for You. Allowing You to strengthen the physical fat "You" see that turns to muscles necessary  for "LIFE". Those "MOVEMENTS" needs to be oiled. The oil used for "Your" "MOVEMENTS" are hydration done with water. The water that "Energizes" the physical body with electrolytes is water with the Ph. balance of seven and up. Many of us prefer water with a flavor. Our advise is to use spring water flavored with deep rooted fruits with mineral nutrient made by the Creator cultivated deep in the ground.


"ENTERTAINING LIFE's MOMENTS" is also taking your glass in hand and raise to your family, friends, company and who may be around you and say Cheers to "ALL" and to "ALL" a "LONG-HEALTHY-LIFE" using flavored water. Your flavored water is season with the deep rooted fruits of mineral nutrients such as:   
  • Seeded Apple
  • Small Banana
  • Berries [except cranberries]
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cherries
  • Seeded Grapes
  • Limes [except lemon]
  • Mango
  • Seeded Melons
  • Papayas
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Tamarind
  • Orange [Seville or sour preferred]
  • Coconuts [Soft Jelly]
Drinking your flavored water at the correct time maximizes the effectiveness of the hydration on the "human body". When you open your eyes after sleeping for five or more hours with two glass of water helps activate your internal organs. To help digestion, one glass of your flavored water, thirty minutes before your meal will aid the digestive system. Blood pressure goes up and down in every human body, therefore before taking a bath or shower one glass of water adjust the liquid pressure. Many strokes and heart discomfort comes after a trialed day when we decide to close our eyes to sleep it all away. So before that period of rest time do ensures proper organ function by drinking one glass of your flavored water.

"ENTERTAINING-LIFE-MOMENTS" completes "YOU" with the knowledge of investing to help.
Your "INVESTMENT" is gear toward the future of "YOURSELF" and a child "YOU" choose to 'SHADOW". That is where "You" are "UNIQUELY-GIFT-WRAP". Consciously, "GIFT-WRAPPING" the "CHILD" whom you choose to invest in to guide their life. Allowing Sohaila's "HEALTH-PHYSIQUE" team to assist "YOU" on the journey.
*** Step [1] Give the CHILD's name, Whose FUTURE YOU WILL INVEST IN
*** Step [2] Educate "CHILD" with the GIFT of a "Children's Health Book"
*** Step [3] Replace a "CHILD's meal with proper nutritional tools
*** BONUS: A monthly WORKSHOP to follow
*** BONUS:
*** BONUS:
The "BONUS" to be discuss after you email Me:
[New Born to 13 yrs of age CHILDREN to be considered]

Always In Marvelous Health!
Sohaila Henry, Certified Instructor,
Your Independent Distributor,
Your Nutrition Health Guide!

Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU, Thanking YOU for Returning the Shine!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” while SHADOWING a "CHILD" in "INVESTMENTS" for their "FUTURE".

***The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
***Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

© 2016 Health Physique, Youngevity | All Rights Reserved | Designed by

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