Sunday, January 8, 2017


QUITTING NATURALLY without the "WEIGHT" is what many have ask to redirect my studies in. My very first case study is my Great-Grandfather, who we stayed with at times after he retired. He work for the Panama Canal Zone. He played his part in building the Panama Canal.  Then the family purchase what I define as a double apartment where we shared the rest room and kitchen area, which seams very large from the vision of a child. I grew up seeing him smoke his cigarette right in the house.  He had his "ashtray" right next to his chair he sat in daily. The "ashtray" depending on how you saw it was square with the three opening to tip your cigarette. Other times it look like a triangular shape upside-down (the picture of the "ashtray" is above). My Great-Grandfather woke up very early. He had a hardy "break-fast" preparer by his wife, my Great-Grandmother. Usually naturally squeezed orange juice, boiled egg with bacons and a small bowl of porridge and what we called "Micha" (fresh made bread). At midday I was in school so I have no idea what he ate for lunch. At dinner I knew what we ate because we all sat together. We ate most of the time white rice with stew, which could be red peas, lima beans, black beans, lentil, fresh chicken or red meat or fish which I remember going to the sea shore to purchase. Oops, I cannot forget the fried plantain, which I was taught to fry. Wow, memories! His day ended with  his daily walk at 6pm. Then he would sit with us (my sisters and I) to tell stories. I am not sure the age he decided to stop smoking, he may have been in his late fifties. He stopped "cold turkey" as the saying goes. Then he continued the same life style without the cigarette. His weight did not change. I have not met any other who decided to quit and not complain that their weight did not remained the same. That thought of others complaining about their weight allowed me to study further those in my Grand-Daddy's era and those who are attempting to stop now.


What I notice is that my Grad-Daddy ate food with minerals and continued his "movement" which allowed his organs to obey "His Will". Now what we are coming across as far as our food is concerned is high volumes, bigger sizes and longer storage time. To enable the food to preform in those capacity we have chemist here on earth who inject chemicals that are depleting the nourishment of the meal we now eat.  What that tells us is that our soil no longer have the mineral necessary for our food that nourishes our body. Now also our "movement" have been shorten by using bus, train and lets not forget, cars. When your body have the proper nourishment plus muscles is difficult for foreign bacteria to stay within. Therefore, I strongly believe that those of us who are attempting to quit the nicotine habit find it difficult because their body's immune system is low. I consciously will like to assist those whose will is to stop without medication.


I stated that I "WILL" consciously assist those whose "WILL" is to "STOP" without the aid of high price patches, prescription, or hypnosis sessions.  Know that "NATURES PRESCRIPTION" is for your optimum HEALTH. See the basket above, what's inside will help. My research begins with food that may assist the lowering of craving nicotine. Yes, making the taste of cigarettes repulsive. Lets take the dairy product out of the basket. We are informed by research that when you feed on the following dairy [Milk, Yogurt, Cheese and Cream] before nicotine or Tabaco it leaves a taste that is unappealing to the mouth. The next research tells us that snack with lost of salt will assist also, that opens the door to more weight, be careful. A veggie snack such as squash or cucumbers with sea salt is another way to lower the nicotine craving. My suggestion is sea salt in spring water after each meal, as a mouth rinse, full of minerals. However, if there is a challenge with high blood pressure check with your doctor first when using any salted product. Now the other beneficial nutrients in our basket is: Strawberries! Broccoli! Peppers! Kale! Those fruit and vegetables are high in nutrients that through research depletes the smoking of cigarettes. Also sour oranges and the exotic papaya.
Do note that knowing what to eat is as important as knowing what foods to avoid. The trigger food are based on individuals likes of favorite food or snacks before or after that smoke surge. Example: A sweet chocolate cake (note, sugar!) In my case studies I have learn that sugar is also an additive substance. Therefore we all need to travel on that eating road carefully. Other food to watch for are those that may enhance the flavor of what they entitle tabaco are nicotine crave are: Red Meat! Alcohol! Food with caffeine! Coffee!
 I "GIFT-WRAP" each individual with the proper  manner of eating because I strongly believe that natural fruits and veggies are full of the nutrient necessary to keep the immune system on a balance that "WILL" assist with the craving of the wrong food. So lets do everything in the right balance is my suggestion. We may "hip-hop" some times. LOL!

I see children as gifts from Heaven. They are from the creator of the universe. I believe we are all gifts because we where all once children. We all know Whoopi Goldberg the actress that knocks us all out of our seat when we think back on her climb up the ladder.  Well her climb was also back into breathing the clean air around herself. See she was also a smoker for many years. What broad about her deciding to stop was a child whose only desire for life was to breath normally. Whoopi Goldberg took that as her message to stop taking the air we breath for granted when others like that child  is having such a hard time doing just that; Allowing clean air into her lungs through her nostril. Hoping this life experience gives you back your clean oxygen, yes your clean air back with stronger lungs. Food for thought, not for cigarette: Every time you save the funds for the cigarette you could use your life investment to "Shadow a CHILD for LIFE".

 Our "GIFT-to-SELF" is the "INVESTMENT" [Click to listen]
That "INVESTEMENT" is geared toward our future to "SELF" and the  "CHILD" we choose to 'SHADOW". That is where "You" are "UNIQUELY-GIFT-WRAPPED" in "LIFE". Allowing "SELF' to consciously, "GIFT-WRAP" the "CHILD" whom you choose to invest in to guide their life. Allowing Sohaila's "HEALTH-PHYSIQUE" team to assist "YOU" on the journey.
*** Step [1] Give the CHILD's name, Whose FUTURE YOU WILL INVEST IN
*** Step [2] Educate "CHILD" with the GIFT of a "Children's Health Book"
*** Step [3] Replace a "CHILD's meal with proper nutritional tools
*** BONUS: A monthly WORKSHOP follows
*** BONUS:
*** BONUS:
*** BONUS: To be discuss:
*** Name
*** Phone Number
[CHILDREN: New Born to 13 yrs]

Always In Marvelous Health, "My Treats to You"!
Sohaila Henry, Certified Instructor,
Your Independent Distributor,
Your Nutrition Health Guide!

Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU, Thanking YOU for Returning the Shine!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” while SHADOWING a "CHILD" in "INVESTMENTS" for their "FUTURE".


***The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

***Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

© 2017 Health Physique, Youngevity | All Rights Reserved | Designed by

Monday, January 2, 2017


God Modified Organism [G.M.O.] where created by Him to aid in the movement of the human body. We are His "Wonderful Masterpiece Uniquely" Created on earth Electrically put together to "MOVE". He made the human organs to help our electrical body maintain  itself with the assistance of nutrients from HIS garden. His garden is made of vegetables and fruits which carries minerals to help heal the human body. The minerals being carried are many. A few examples are: Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium, Copper, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Zinc, Chromium, plus much more.

A more specifically defined type of GMO is engineered by Biochemist. It's a genetically modified organism, whose genetic material has been altered utilizing genetic engineering  organism. These organism is injected  into the vegetables, fruits 🍉 meats🐃, eggs 🐣recently fish 🐟. These food here on earth are no longer the natural creation of the CREATOR. They no longer carry the nutrients needed for the organs in the human body. Now, do notice those vegetables and fruits are larger in size due to the organism enabling longer storage period when stored in a freezer for the allowance of human consumption. However what our chemist are finding out is that if you are not healthy with a strong immune system your organs will suffer with the need for mineral care intake. Therefore, if consumption is made by humans in their diet of those organism that are genetically injected harm will finally accompany their life. The minerals needed is made by the CREATOR to establish longer, stronger, brain function that assist thoughts, moods, food nourishment for a better lifestyle. 

How to never eat a GMO made by the Biochemist here on earth that impairs your HEALTH. God Modified Organs where created to help us live life in electrical movement. They only stop when we close our eyes forever or an accident happen and impair. That is the reason we most keep them cleaned up with the right nutrients. Is like taking care of your first brand new vehicle. Do email me at I will email you a wallet size card that breaks down the GMO you should look for. I will continue to keep you informed "GIFT-WRAPPED" in your unique " HEALTH" utilizing my blog in/for/on 2017.

Therefore, allow ignorance to drain while feeding our heart, brain and our entire body, muscles, with the HEALTH necessary to stay nutritiously upheld here on earth with the information. Check below 

Always In Marvelous Health, "My Treats to You"!
Sohaila Henry, Certified Instructor,
Your Independent Distributor,
Your Nutrition Health Guide!

Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU, Thanking YOU for Returning the Shine!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” while SHADOWING a "CHILD" in "INVESTMENTS" for their "FUTURE".

***The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
***Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

© 2017 Health Physique, Youngevity | All Rights Reserved | Designed by