Thursday, September 14, 2023



The LIFE we are all CELEBRATING today is Ana Maria James’ Birth Date, August 6th, 2023 for LIFE! Ana Maria James, MOTHER of one daughter, and a son the daughters spouse. Their daughter her granddaughter also the "GODMOTHER" of many GIRLs. Those GIRLs are from "San Jose de MALAMBO" an orphanage where she has investing her time and allowed many companies to invest their funds to children whom arrived sad, crying, malnourished, hurt, where the caregiver of that home  "Sor Lourdes Reiss", states . "But I can say with great pride that by the third day, you see them smiling, running, playing, asking to go to the pool, realizing their power. As a CHILD myself earlier in life my aunt, Ana Maria James, brought the location to my attention. Now along with "Sor Lourdes Reiss" we ALL agree and realize the power that comes with having rights — the right to just be a “CHILD”.

August CELEBRATION a month where I have chosen to invite the world to view LIFEs that supply each with the WISDOM that EMPOWERS. I have learned that the  ADVENTUROUS presence of each is here to give the GIFT of BLESSINGs from their LIFE.  Is achieved with families and friends who together CELEBRATE BIRTH DATEs of those who remain in OUR heart. Their behavior rain ANSWERs that escalate with GODs WISDOM be it what I now call negative BLESSINGs that EMPOWERs as well as positive BLESSINGs that EMPOWERs for LIFE.  This year I INVITE all to INVEST with me a SMALL portion for this month which is always done in FEBRUARY the second month of the year; which is a portion of my BUSINESS, disbursed to the Orphanage for GIRLs in Panamá. Open for 127 years housing homeless girls in home and outside of our country Panamá. The orphanage's name remains with each  “San Jose de MALAMBO” for our GIRLs whom realize the POWER with having RIGHTs--- the RIGHT to just BE a CHILD! 

In the Home of  "MALAMBO" in their daily activity it reflex the LOVE of GOD in their instructors as well as each CHILD "making their ordinary something extraordinary" for each to see. 
 I saw how my Panamanians community TREAT all CHILDREN with an amorous care. I have been trained to extended LOVE because I learn when you GIVE you always RECEIVE. Thanks to all who participates; investing FUNDs to PayPal; as well as You all who invest time CELEBRATING with us continuously. Thank You!

"Virtuous woman who graces the corridors of  "MALAMBO", leaving footprints 👣 in the hearts of children. Blessed be the gift of being a woman, of gestating life, of changing everything. Happy day today from the birth of our Earthly ANGEL, Ana María James. We give thanks to GOD of her life in ours. We delight in her presence in our path for LIFE Eternal. Thank You Ana María James".

How to go to the FACEBOOK page for daily "TREATs" that "ENTERTAINs". Again thanks 🙏🏽 

Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU! Thanking YOU for Returning the Sheen!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” and the "DREAM-CHASERs" LIFE You hold DEAR/CLOSE to ❤️

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