Wednesday, December 21, 2022



Celebrating December 2022 "Holiday Gift Workshop" click to REGISTER

New MEMBER you are invited to Sundays WORKSHOP. Do leave your email address for ZOOMs meeting information.

This “Whole BODY MUSCLE MASSAGE...” I began after my spouse hurt his Achilles playing basketball 🏀. After seeing the doctor he was advised to allow the performance of the reattachment of his Achilles. Therapy followed to get the whole leg back into proper condition. I decided to study what was needed which involved “MASSAGE” of that leg, I decided to included both. My studies allowed me to go further giving a “WHOLE BODY MUSCLEs MASSAGE” for the relaxation of the individuals body, my spouse, he loves it. This year for his Birth month I always give a GIFT for the whole month. He suggested that we share "PARTNER MASSAGE" instead of individual like I have been doing. That’s where the workshop of “Whole BODY MUSCLE MASSAGE Achieve with PARTNER"” gave birth for the world to see. I have been doing it now for over ten years individually.  

The "Whole BODY MUSCLE MASSAGE Achieve with PARTNER" begins our "AM" with a clear mind from a refreshing shower. We make sure we have the "OIL MIXED", part of the "KEY SECRET", next  choose which PARTNER is susceptible to what I define as MAGIG. My spouse chose me to demonstrate the WORKSHOP to the WORLD only for the "TOTAL HEAD MASSAGE", with him we completed the rest of the "BODY MASSAGE" we have allowed you all to follow. However the full BODY WORKSHOP is to be seen when the INVESTMENT  is received. We have chosen it as a  GIFT for the HOLIDAYs, an INVESTMENT of $22.00 a savings from the original cost. Also to remind the world of 2022 the opening of so many Pleasantries. The WORKSHOP allows QUEST with ANSWERs. Each WORSHOP will have BONUs to accommodate, The WORKSHOPs will be weekly to complete 2022 with delight. A Surprise for our single MASSAGERs will

Be included.

HERE are the EXAMPLEs of SEVEN part of the BODY Part PLUS:

Lower Back MASSAGE

🔅Press firmly running hands down/across back

🔅Alternating hands, press, slide away from spine on either side

🔅Hands in L shapes, firmly glide up towards the head…

🔅Down away from the heart

🔅Firmly run knuckles down each side of back

🔅Pause, turn at the sciatic nerve

Upper Back MASSAGE

🔅Press firmly, run hands down back!

🔅Run hands up and down, shoulders

🔅Squeeze and pull along trapezius muscle 

🔅Press, slide thumb along each shoulder blade

🔅Press, slide hands away from spine on either side

🔅Move thumbs down each side of spine


🔅Squeeze and pull along trapezius muscle 

🔅Press, slide thumb along each shoulder blade

🔅Move, slide down left/right side of back and out

Neck and Shoulder MASSAGE

🔅Trapezius Pulls

🔅Press, Pull fingers slowly across back!

🔅Back Circles!

🔅Press down with thumbs, make circular motion

🔅Shoulder Kneading

🔅Squeeze Shoulder with alternating hand

🔅Shoulder Presses

🔅Press down firmly, move fingers across back

🔅Neck Presses

🔅Press down firmly, slide fingers up the neck 


🔅Included NECK & SHOULDERs
🔅Two white Wash cloth is necessary…

Beginning LEG SPA with VAGUs Relaxation MASSAGE (Bonus)


🔅“VAGUs NERVE MASSAGE” is a great way to increase vegan tone through direct manual stimulation for stress and anxiety relief anytime needed.


🔅Cover LEGs with lotion or oil

🔅Press gently on inner, middle, and outer points behind knee

🔅Press, slide knuckles on the upper thigh 

🔅Hold pressure at the highest part of the thigh

🔅Use alternating thumbs to press and slide up the hamstring

🔅Grip and knead up and down the calf

🔅Use alternating thumbs to press, slide up calf

🔅Complete In Lines

🔅Press and slide hands on entire LEG to complete massage


🔅Clasp hands around foot, pull gently

🔅Gently squeeze, pull fingers down the Achilles heel

🔅Press down with thumbs, circle each ankle

🔅Slide thumb up the ball of the foot making circular motions 

🔅Clasp foot firmly, slide thumbs down top of the foot


🔅Use lotion covering entire hand
🔅Firmly grip, knead each finger
🔅Interlock pinkies with outer fingers
🔅Rub thumb in a circular motion in palm
🔅Press, hold space between, thumb and index finger
🔅Hold, 7 seconds and release
🔅Slowly rotate the wrist in a circular motion
🔅Repeat in the opposite direction
🔅Interlock fingers and stretch them away from the wrist
🔅Gently rotate the wrist, keeping fingers interlocked 
🔅Stretch wrist forward and backward 
🔅Gently rotate wrist, keeping fingers interlock

Total Full Right/Left  ARM MASSAGE

🔅Select Favorite Oil!
🔅Have individual lay comfortably!
🔅Relax Arm!
🔅Begin with hand 🖐🏽🖐️ Massage
🔅Kneed fingers
🔅Massage Palm
🔅Massage Wrist
🔅Use Thumb to Massage Forearm 
🔅Use Full hand to Massage biceps/triceps
🔅Massage Shoulder
🔅Fold Elbow Massage

Full Head MASSAGE (Bonus)

Glide fingers, shoulders to base of skull
🔅Firm circular motions sides of head
🔅Start from base of skull to top
🔅Use thumbs, gently press top of head
🔅Focus on the top, middle, bottom points
🔅Press, slide thumbs toward temples
🔅Place hands on the side, apply pressure 
🔅Hold few seconds and release 
🔅Rotating thumbs, in circular motion 

☀️Natural Facial Muscle Massage


Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU! 
Thanking YOU for Returning the Sheen!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN SELF” and the "DREAM-CHASERs" LIFE You hold DEAR/CLOSE to ❤️

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