PROJECT begins January 8, 2024
The RELATIONSHIP Is “WELL-NESS” to BE extended with LIFE for SELF. Your daily GIFT to open!
Choose Your PROJECT for 2024 to BETTER/BEST "WELL-NESS"!
You PICK the Month preferred for 21days
“Accelerate METABOLISM with SELF”
💥Accelerating METABOLISM with SELF for the extraordinary RELATIONSHIP from the crown of head to SOUL reaching feet 👣
Recreating who never left but desire to join in every step forward in life, “Well-NESS”! In the PROJECT “WELL-NESS” an untouchable RELATION is formed with hearts DESIREs carrying YOU internationally to places that will entertain the whole BODY, “KUKUWAs MOVEs”. It’s actually the preparation to that PLACE the “PROJECT”. A great GIFT for SELF! SPOUSE! A growing CHILD!
SAVORING ALL Flavors through and through!!!!
LONGEST LIVING Is “WELL-NEST” achieved from my Mothers Mommy whom we called "Mother" and Grand Dad's spouse who we refer to as "Mami" both GRADMA's continue living long life's. Mother on earth for 96yrs. while "Mami" now 101yrs on earth receiving WISDOM from both to whom desire to live and look how their heart desires while continuing teaching all their CHILDREN whom BLESS them daily from the CREATOR of ALL.
💥In our CULTURE we see what's stated as, “Sustainability, Expectancy, Seniority, Persistence, Survival ....” Our GRANDMAs is the “LONGEST LIVING” in our 20th century CULTURE. A GIFT, example, for each individual to view. Following the nourishment to SELF being as stated “Sustainability, Expectancy, Seniority, Persistence, Survival ....” I also include expanding SELF in the journey. Thank You!!!
💥This entertains our PLAN for the 21 day PROJECT monthly with three levels to follow.
- GIVING SELF, rooted steps forward!
- SELF CARE, Follow Hearts desires!
💥 It’s Completed with an ADVENTUROUS TREAT with our TEAM expanding LIFE
💥Further information will be given as Membership is established.
Utilizing KUKUWA AFRICAN LOW Impact MOVES from "APP" invited to invest!
💥Want to Attain Deepening MUSCLEs MASSAGEs by putting together flows that work for YOU in any circumstance?
💥”Or would YOU like to be at the point where YOU are ready to start sharing YOUR love for “BODY WELL-NESS MOVEs” with others?
💥If this sounds like YOU, our KUKUWA teacher training this January 2024 is perfect for YOU!
Training Dates:
- January 1-21: Beginner MOVEs. [Any month chosen is for 21 DAYs]
- February 9-11th: Beginner MOVEs
- February 23-25th: Intermediate MOVEs
- March 1-3rd: Beginner MOVEs
- March 15-17th: Intermediate MOVEs
- April 5-7th: Beginner MOVEs
- April 19th-21st: Intermediate MOVEs
- May 3rd -6th: ADVANCE MOVEs
- May: International Travels to be tested through flight ✈️ to???
- Then we begin again in JUNE- DEC. where in December international TRAVELs to be tested through flight ✈️ again.
💥Pricing for both PROJECTs: $300.00 for Membership
Or $3,000.00 extends into “International Gates” for the year. To be further discussed on a unique basis
Independent Distributor of Coloring “HEALTH” with "WEALTH"✨
Nutrition “HEALTH” Guide✨
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” and the "DREAM-CHASERs" LIFE You hold DEAR/CLOSE to ❤️