Monday, June 13, 2022


THE GAME OF LIFE goes on through the month of JUNE 2022. Giving our NEW DADs their equipment for a BETTER/BEST GAME from DADs/MOMs who experience WISDOM to add FLAVOR to SAVOR the FEELING and TASTE of LIFE.

The MENTOR/MEMBER/SHIP for NEW DADs established after the INVESTMENT of "Pifia MOLA" T, Giving the GIFT through JUNE 2022 of the information received as a participant in this MIRACULOUS year 2022.

June Training!
Achieve with Sohaila from HealthPhysique with a PROGRAM created with designer from The PROGRAM is all about utilizing the WHOLE BODY giving any participant specifically NEW:

This is YOU NEW DAD wearing PIFIAs designers T entitle "Pifia Mola" participating in the PROGRAM where the  achievement is:

__More ENERGY!

__Improved Sleep 💤 

__JOINTs  Support!

__More Patience/Better Moods!

__Enhance Physical Performance!

__Weight Management!

__Relief from aches & inflammation! 

__Better Digestion!

__Stronger Immune System!

Any participant who chooses the INVESTMENT of the JUNE PROGRAM also receive the BONUS of PIFIAs Tshirt entitle "Pifia Mola" with the other BONUS of  KUKUWAs MOVEs, who specialize in waking UP MUSCLEs we didn't know we have.

Initiating the “Fathers DATE” JUNE 19, year 2022. Where you will notice the Investment reflex’s the Date 19 of June, 2022, the Investment is Fathers DATE $19 for membership/mentor only this week, Saving $11 to add to the second GIFT of the partner one holds close. Where I personally INVEST my time using PIFIAs design to give the STYLE that wears me while I wear it. EACH Seven days to play the part offered to EACH: Click below to open and INVEST


Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU! Thanking YOU for Returning the Sheen!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” and the "DREAM-CHASERs" LIFE You hold DEAR/CLOSE to ❤️

This site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposed only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If style="line-height: normal; margin: 0px;">© 2022 Health Physique, Youngevity All Rights Reserved | Designed by Nothing started or posted on the sites or available through any services are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medical counseling care. For purposes of this agreement, the practice of medicine and counseling includes, without limitation, psychiatry, physical therapy, nutritional therapy, psychology, psychotherapy, or providing health care treatment, instructions, diagnosis, prognosis or advice.