FEBRUARYs DATE, time to schedule YOU!
👁🗨INVITED this February 2022 to SET a DATE!
🔸Let’s 💬 CHAT!
🔸Go to: sohaila4466@yahoo.com
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February 2022 has 28 days. In the 28 days myself and our team is here to ASSIST in LIFEs
ADJUSTMENTs. Every unique individual ADJUSTMENT is different. Therefore, after our chat, we will determine together the best fit.
My best fit is accomplished with acknowledging KNOWING that every step forward from a CHILD moles my whole LIFE. That KNOWING is for every individual to savor LIFEs Flavor.
February 2022 has 28 days. In the 28 days myself and our team is here to ASSIST in letting US-BE aware of the practices enabling better/best LIFE achieved with TRAINNING SELF over and over for better/best SELF. Our “TRAINING SELF” enables the growth in maturity in different areas in LIFE. The enabling GROWTH is achieved in the area practice. Many individual May BE aware and all that’s needed is polishing to become even better. An example of my “TRAINING” came when I decided to start my own business as a teenager. My own “TRAINING” gave the allowance of FUNDs I desired. Maturing allowed to see that entertaining with more experience allowed GROWTH in all areas.
February 2022 has 28 days. In the 28 days myself and our team is here to ASSIST in transferring THOUGHTs for another. In replacing THOUGHTs, reestablishes the clearance to retrieve another. My THOUGHTs received when one of my parent choose to transfer LIFE was all negative allowed more negative allowance. Finally when I CLEARED THOUGHTs the momentum achieved is better/ best for SELF and ALL within LIFE.
February 2022 has 28 days. In the 28 days myself and our team is here to ASSIST in DELIGHTING SELF with proper TASTE BUDs.
The proper TASTE-BUDs are actually what DELIGHTs Flavor to Savor for LIFE. The Flavor I have chosen to Savor in LIFE gives extra LIFE. Is only received through my proper way of eating what nourishes the BODY for LIFE. The proper nourishment gives a better breakfast as well as lunch, dinner and snack for LIFE.
February 2022 has 28 days. In the 28 days, myself and our team is here to celebrate the “MOISTURIZING of every JOINT in BODY. To MOISTURIZE the JOINTs MOVEMENTs are required. If there is no BODY MOVEMENT JOINTs begins to feel the pain we do not prefer. Realize with the pain, “CELLs” and “ORGANs” slow down. Even our blood circulation gets hampered giving the BODY the wrong delivery. Therefore, utilizing JOINTs MOISTURIZEMENT is the GIFT for the extravagant LIFE earned. My extravagant LIFE is celebrating with meditative MOVEs beginning for me early morning in bed with who CREATED US ALL. That acknowledgment gives me the expansion for better/best walks through the day.
Achieving entire LIFE here on earth is the GIFT one gives to SELF. When the GIFT is not yet visible others are able to ASSIST. Our team, we are here to HELP along processing every GIFT establish to SELF. Opening and receiving what’s yours for LIFE. My LIFE-ACHIEVEMENT is every accomplishment good are not so good yet have allowed my GROWTH in LIFE to share when and if need BE! I decided that along with my “MEDITATIVE MOVEs” with my research I have also chosen to “TURN 🔛MUSCLES” we didn’t KNOW we have! We utilize KUKUWAs MOVEs along with PIFIAs TRAINING.
Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU! Thanking YOU for Returning the Sheen!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” and the "DREAM-CHASERs" LIFE You hold DEAR/CLOSE to our heart❣️
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” and the "DREAM-CHASERs" LIFE You hold DEAR/CLOSE to our heart❣️
This site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposed only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your healthcare professional because of something you may have read on the sites. The use of any information provided on the sites is solely at your own risk.
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