Sunday, September 6, 2020


"Beet-It" is a Life style together we can all beat to the ground. Leaving it unable to stand up again. Now our medical definition "diabetes" is a group of physical disorders that results in too much sugar in the blood, or high blood glucose within. The ones we are familiar with are:
* Type two diabetes
* Gestation diabetes
* Pre-diabetes
* Type One diabetes

* Type two diabetic
"Want to be an X TYPE TWO Diabetic. Give us ninety days. We have a "secret-sauce" by the name "Sweet eze" for you to take with the Ninety Essential Nutrient. You will change your body's chemistry for good." Our Biochemist discovered years ago that diabetes can be Cured. He states that it's a metabolic problem where the cell wall can't recognize Insulin.  However, with the "secret sauce" the mineral co-factors becomes the key to sensitize the cells.  Do listen to his interview  


* Gestation diabetes
"A form of high blood sugar affecting pregnant women". The high blood glucose in mother brings extra glucose to baby, causing baby to put on weight.  Ladies, that is in your hands. How? By making sure your body has the right amount of nutrients through your journey here on earth.  We all need to have Ninety Essential Nutrient  in our system daily. No! Food can not give us the complete amount, not anymore. 


* Pre-diabetes
"A disorder in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes." I call it disorder because the order can be changed. The secret key to unlock your sensor is also the "secret-sauce" by the name "Sweet eze" to be taken with the "Ninety Essential Nutrientsput together by our mentor, Biochemist researcher, Dr. Wallach. He follows with sound advise - no sugar at all.  Replace sugar with fruits only - to be eaten mid-day. Allow the fruit to be your sugar. Blend it with your drink. Do take time into consideration, after 7pm your nutrients should only consist of nuts or soft boiled or soft scramble eggs with salt & pepper to your taste, no sugar at all. 

* Type One diabetes
"A disorder in which the pancreas produces little or no Insulin".  Little or no Insulin inside the pancreas therefore not allowing the proper nutritious process of glucose in the bloodstream.  I also refer to this diabetes as a disorder because I believe we will be able to regenerate the main organ, the pancreas to make the proper amount of insulin soon. Now Your proper eating style to keep yourself healthy and out of the surgeon operating room is no sugar. Along with the the "secret-sauce"  by the name "Sweet eze" to be taken with the "Ninety Essential Nutrient" put together by our mentor, Biochemist, researcher, Dr. Wallach.

Ben Fuchs ( Pharmacist) interviewing the Biochemist Dr. Joel Wallach, on Diabetes & Weight Loss: Check out this video on YouTube:
This video presentation tells in detail how diabetes can be cured:

To learn & benefit more about reversing Type 2 Diabetes check out this website 
at  "If you know someone who might benefit from learning more do pass this email along to them as well."

The research done tells us those numbers can be lowered. They need our help with the information we now have: The "secret-sauce" which is "Sweet eze" to be taken with the "Ninety Essential Nutrient" put together by our mentor, Biochemist, researcher, Dr. Wallach. Any question for him check below:

Always in Marvelous Health!
HealthPhysique Engineering Specialist, 

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