Sport Wardrobe Essentials...
Twenty Eighteen a year full of G๐d! Best! Better!
At the end of the year I choose to “Consciously Gift Wrap a group whom I have been watching through out. L๐king for their progress in it all. The group I choose this year represents every life Culture here in the world.
This group have DREAMs like every individual, uniquely place yet rightfully handled. This group gives the MOVEs athletically we all have in different areas of our body. Beginning from the crown of thier head to the soul of the feet. If you follow my “Cultural Art MOVEs” you will see the ART the Body carries through them. Let’s also include the HEALTH we all have especially when you choose to nourish SELF appropriately just the way they do. Now they are TEENs utilizing the examples they see in us. I am proud and privilege to say we are “G๐D” examples to follow.
The group chosen to be GIFT~WRAP this year is the BASKETBALL TEAM from a Chartered School in Brooklyn NY: “BROOKLYN COLLEGIATE GIRLS VARSITY BASKETBALL” These GIRLS L๐K forward to practicing together after school. Is a GAME they LOVE! A SPORT they have chosen to follow! Their Head Coach, informs us that the SCHOOL did not receive enough FUNDING necessary from the city for their uniform; therefore, Coach, Lavon Cook, ASK that we as a society of parent, in this world, family member, acquaintance, close associates, High School supporters, GIVE a hand, financially with these PLAYERS, “Sport Wardrobe Essentials...” [Examples below]
Their Gold per Coach Cook, is to raise enough funds to accommodate each Lady ATHLETE in their sport ware and sport accessories. His mission is for every student ATHLETE to be able to purchase team SNEAKERS as well as necessary items that includes:
- Sport Bra
- Compression tights & short
- Team Book Bag
- Headbands,
- Sock
- All needed sport accessories
His details HELPs us envelope each GIRL in her BASKETBALL UNIFORM to represent their school. Their deadline is DECEMBER 31, 2018.
ฟ️AL๐น[Click, below]
• ๐ $ 10.00
Always in Marvelous HEALTH!
Sohaila Henry, Certified Instructor,
Your Independent “HEALTH” Distributor
Your Nutrition “HEALTH” Guide
Sohaila Henry, Certified Instructor,
Your Independent “HEALTH” Distributor
Your Nutrition “HEALTH” Guide
PS. Email Me with Your “QUEST” and comments at or post in our Facebook Group. I Am listening!
Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU! Thanking YOU for Returning the Sheen!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” and the "DREAM-CHASERs" LIFE You hold DEAR/CLOSE to Your ❤️
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” and the "DREAM-CHASERs" LIFE You hold DEAR/CLOSE to Your ❤️
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