What "JUMP STARTs YOU daily, specifically? Well my experience continuously teaches me that nourishing liquid sends my pains in my joints, skin, body, away but its a daily specific procedure. Therefore, an overnight eight oz glass of temperature water @ my bed side to "JUMP-STARTs" my day with the exercise of squeezing my "LIME" in my water when I open my eyes, helps me to savor my flavor as my GIFT. Make sure if you decide to do the same, infusing a berry of your choice may definitely give more flavor to your savor. Just know through my research I learned that the hydration of self with nourishing liquid helps, such as "Alkaline-Water". Also a fruit of your choice which becomes Alkaline in the body will specifically help with the absorption of magnesium in your system as well. Also remember the good energy you give off to yourself to " JUMP-STARTs" your day comes right back to you in abundance giving you that awesome attitude. Therefore, lets research together to seek out the right mineral necessary. Do remember you are "Unique", so we are proceeding with that knowing in our mind.
How well is the mineral Magnesium absorbed and utilized in the body. We have found through research that the following Magnesium minerals is either "High or Low Bioavailability" for absorption in the human body. For the proper absorption of "MAGNESIUM" your body needs to be hydrated with the "ALKALINE-Water" necessary also balance with Calcium. Those two mineral need each other to properly function in the human body.What "JUMP STARTs YOU daily, specifically? Well my experience continuously teaches me that nourishing liquid sends my pains in my joints, skin, body, away but its a daily specific procedure. Therefore, an overnight eight oz glass of temperature water @ my bed side to "JUMP-STARTs" my day with the exercise of squeezing my "LIME" in my water when I open my eyes, helps me to savor my flavor as my GIFT. Make sure if you decide to do the same, infusing a berry of your choice may definitely give more flavor to your savor. Just know through my research I learned that the hydration of self with nourishing liquid helps, such as "Alkaline-Water". Also a fruit of your choice which becomes Alkaline in the body will specifically help with the absorption of magnesium in your system as well. Also remember the good energy you give off to yourself to " JUMP-STARTs" your day comes right back to you in abundance giving you that awesome attitude. Therefore, lets research together to seek out the right mineral necessary. Do remember you are "Unique", so we are proceeding with that knowing in our mind.
⭕️ Magnesium Oxide
- Common and inexpensive form of Mg
- Strong laxative effect with
- "Low Bioavailability
✅ Magnesium Citrate
- Budget friendly option
- Can be supplemented with capsules tablets, ionic liquid or drink-mix
- "High Bioavailability"
✅ Magnesium Lysinate
- support gastric health is
- "High Bioavailability"
✅ Magnesium Glycinate,
- Optimum
- "High Bioavailability"
- Aka Epsom Salt
- Also provides sulfur, which helps soothe tired muscles
- "Low Bioavailability
✅ Magnesium Chloride
- Can be supplemented with pills/capsules or liquid
- Also available as magnesium oil which nourishes and soothes skin
- "High Bioavailability"
We are "Magnificently made yet our body requires "MAGNESIUM" daily. For more detail, click the mineral below.
✅ Magnesium Threonate –
Why do we need "MAGNESIUM"?
Sohaila Henry, Certified Instructor,
Your Independent Distributor of Nourishment,
Your Nutrition Health Guide!
Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU, Thanking YOU for Returning the Shine!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” and the "TRUST-FUN' " of a "CHILD's" LIFE You hold DEAR/CLOSE to Your ❤️
How do you know if you should use magnesium supplements? According to the National Institute of Health, assessing magnesium levels is difficult because most magnesium is inside cells or in the bones and not within the blood. This can make blood test results misleading when it comes to determining a magnesium deficiency. (2)
The most common method for assessing magnesium status is by measuring serum magnesium concentrations in the blood or by measuring concentrations in saliva and urine, but no single method is considered totally comprehensive and accurate. Because magnesium supplements have such few risks for side effects and toxicity, many healthcare professionals are now recommending that adults take supplements regularly to prevent deficiency.
There is further information given to us for clarification. Dr. Axe states, "why is magnesium deficiency so common? He says, a few factors are at play: soil depletion that lowers the amount of magnesium present in crops; digestive disorders that lead to malabsorption of magnesium and other minerals in the gut; high rates of prescription medication and antibiotic use that damages the digestive tract to the point that magnesium cannot be absorbed and properly utilized from foods."
He continues, "the body loses stores of magnesium every day from normal functions such as muscle movement, heartbeat and hormone production. Although we only need small amounts of magnesium relative to other nutrients, we must regularly replenish our stores either from foods or magnesium supplements in order to prevent deficiency symptoms."
Dr. Axe states detailly about the organ that primarily control levels of magnesium within the body and excrete magnesium into the urine each day, our kidney, which is one reason why urinary excretion is reduced when magnesium and other electrolyte statuses are low. "Magnesium is actually the least abundant serum electrolyte in the body, but it’s still extremely important for your metabolism, enzyme function, energy production, and for balancing nitric oxide (NO) in the body."
LETs JUMP START OUR ABSORPTION as the UNIQUE individual we are!
Why do we need "MAGNESIUM"?
Sohaila Henry, Certified Instructor,
Your Independent Distributor of Nourishment,
Your Nutrition Health Guide!
Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU, Thanking YOU for Returning the Shine!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” and the "TRUST-FUN' " of a "CHILD's" LIFE You hold DEAR/CLOSE to Your ❤️
This site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposed only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your healthcare professional because of something you may have read on the sites. The use of any information provided on the sites is solely at your own risk.
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