Monday, December 19, 2016


Good Day!
[Click highlighted titles below for further information]
 I Am Sohaila, Clusters of stars shining on You. Thanking You for shining right back at Me. Consciously, "Gift-Wrapping" You in Your "Unique-Shape". Notice I said "Unique-Shape". That is because every individual here on earth have a "Unique-Shape" to be sculpt with "HELP" or by "SELF". I Am privileged and honored to assist the "Masterpiece" who now resides in "You". I have gone up and down in my own weight due to my pregnancies. There are many secret I carry and I Am willing to share.  Click below for further information.

* Tight and Toned Arms
* Tight and Toned Abs
* Tight and Toned Butt
* Tight and Toned Core
* Tight and Toned Chest

For further information email Me: with:
* Name
* Phone Number

Energizing our physical SELF is done in several ways. One is resting the body with an eight hours sleep time allowing the body to rejuvenate itself. Another is the proper eating style. Yet another is utilizing body movement to achieve that "ENERGY". That is where I come in to coach you on how its done.  Click below for further information.

* Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose
* Shoulder Stand Pose
* Locust Pose
* Downward Dog Twist Pose
* Chair Twist Pose

For further information email Me: with:
* Name
* Phone Number

Energizing CHILD's Body in todays society is a plus for better "HEALTH". Our children today get home from school to sit at their computer or TV to play games. There is nothing wrong with that other that the lack of "MOVEMENT" their body is being introduce to daily. That lack is causing headaches, joint pains too early in their life. To better assist with proper "MOVEMENT" there are "POSE's" when done, will help their body further along in "LIFE". I will be honored to assist. Click below for further information.

* Butterfly Pose                                * Rag Doll Pose
* Tree Pose                                       * Crescent Moon Pose
* Mountain Pose                               * CHILD Pose
* Chair Pose                                      * Happy Baby Pose
* Corpse Pose                                   * Downward Facing Pose
[CHILDREN: Ages Seven yrs. -UP]

For further information email Me: with:
* Name
* Phone Number

Our "GIFT-to-SELF" is the "INVESTMENT" geared toward our future to "SELF" and the  "CHILD" we choose to "SHADOW". That is where "You" are "UNIQUELY-GIFT-WRAPPED" in "LIFE". Allowing "SELF' to consciously, "GIFT-WRAP" the "CHILD" whom you choose to invest in to guide their life. Allowing Sohaila's "HEALTH-PHYSIQUE" team to assist "YOU" on the journey.  Click below for further information.
*** Step [1] Give the CHILD's name, Whose FUTURE YOU WILL INVEST IN
*** Step [2] Educate "CHILD" with the GIFT of a "Children's Health Book"
*** Step [3] Replace a "CHILD's meal with proper nutritional tools
*** BONUS: A monthly WORKSHOP to follow
*** BONUS:
*** BONUS:
The "BONUS" to be discuss after you email Me:
* Name
* Phone Number
[CHILDREN ages: New Born to 13 yrs]

Always In Marvelous Health, "My Treats to You"!
Sohaila Henry, Certified Instructor,
Your Independent Distributor,
Your Nutrition Health Guide!

Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU, Thanking YOU for Returning the Shine!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” while SHADOWING a "CHILD" in "INVESTMENTS" for their "FUTURE".

***The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
***Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

© 2016 Health Physique, Youngevity | All Rights Reserved | Designed by

Sunday, December 4, 2016


We are "GIFTED" with the knowledge of LIFE. Together we will unveil to receive the answer that will empower. We all carry that treasure within which we are challenged daily to give and receive. We find that they are "GIFT" that we savor yet we desire to share. The "GIFT" we see it is your smile. The "GIFT" we hear it is full of wisdom that our lips desire to share. We give each " GIFT" color to envision with our character, our attitude. Therefore, let's stay open to unwrapped those "GIFT" together. 

 We are "GIFTED" with the knowledge of the "Deep-KNOWING" of the unfailing "ASSURANCE".
I thank you all who participated in the title for our HOLIDAY-BLOG. Allowing us to later hear
what your "...GIFT-to- SELF" is and will be. "MY-GIFT-to-SELF" is the "Deep-KNOWING" of the unfailing "ASSURANCE" within me to share. The vast dimension keeps me in AWE of the "GIFT" which is wider, longer, higher, and deeper than anything known. Therefore, I MARVEL in JOY forever inviting you to do the same. The best response to the glorious "GIFT" is a life you surround yourself in/with "thanks-giving". Our thankfulness is an acknowledgment of the Creator, our Universal God who provides all. Let's continue to receive all with thanksgiving bringing to the Creator our sacrifice of an "ATTITUDE" of  "GRATITUDE", which allows us to watch and SEE, listen and EAR, TALK and share how much BLESSINGS He gives us continually.

We are "GIFTED" with the Power of Awareness
“Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things they are transformed.” I heard the quote from Oprah she continues, "we learn that awareness itself has the power to heal the pain and conflict we have in our relationships. Just as the body has a natural healing response when it is hurt, the mind also has the inherent intelligence and power to heal its emotional trauma and pain through awareness. The key is to not interfere with that healing response by getting in our own way through self-criticism, resentment, and blame. Realization expands awareness and activates the healing response from our deepest self. That depth to 'SELF" is "My-GIFT..." which goes wide, long, high, allowing me to acknowledge that "GIFT" daily.

“Awareness in itself is HEALTH.” Oprah and her Partner states, "Knowing that we can heal old pain in our hearts gives us hope that we can realistically create deep, loving relationships". Today we learn that the next step toward KNOWING OUR HEALTH is to consciously "GIFT-WRAP-SELF" In HEALTH.  This means knowing that Inner Love and Kindness hunts us down daily allowing us to opening UP and connect. As we open UP to that "GIFT WRAPPING" we allow the expansion of our true being to accept and permit genuine HEALTH to occur. Oprah states that from this core HEALTH, we find it easy and enjoyable to connect with others.

We are "GIFTED" with Making a Good Relationship Better.
Albert Schweitzer states that, “As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.” Today we are exploring in how to improve the two basic types of relationships we have in our lives. Oprah states that, "for static relationships, which are the more comfortable and predictable connections we have, we improve them with appreciation and real listening. Oprah continues with her statement that Dynamic relationships are deeper, more meaningful, and also more challenging. I agree with her that we make dynamic relationships better by allowing the intimacy of our connection to continue to grow which is achieved with my relationship with my best friend who is also my spouse. Our "GIFT-to-SELF that never stops the "LOVE-DEPTH" that explodes in deepness, height, width, lent, allowing us to continuously share.

Our "GIFT-to-SELF" is the "INVESTMENT" geared toward our future to "SELF" and the  "CHILD" we choose to "SHADOW". That is where "You" are "UNIQUELY-GIFT-WRAPPED" in "LIFE". Allowing "SELF' to consciously, "GIFT-WRAP" the "CHILD" whom you choose to invest in to guide their life. Allowing Sohaila's "HEALTH-PHYSIQUE" team to assist "YOU" on the journey.
*** Step [1] Give the CHILD's name, Whose FUTURE YOU WILL INVEST IN
*** Step [2] Educate "CHILD" with the GIFT of a "Children's Health Book"
*** Step [3] Replace a "CHILD's meal with proper nutritional tools
*** BONUS: A monthly WORKSHOP to follow
*** BONUS:
*** BONUS:
The "BONUS" to be discuss after you email Me with your "QUEST" to:
[CHILDREN ages: New Born to 13 yrs]

Always In Marvelous Health, "My Treats to You"!
Sohaila Henry, Certified Instructor,
Your Independent Distributor,
Your Nutrition Health Guide!

Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU, Thanking YOU for Returning the Shine!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” while SHADOWING a "CHILD" in "INVESTMENTS" for their "FUTURE".

***The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
***Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

© 2016 Health Physique, Youngevity | All Rights Reserved | Designed by