Saturday, October 22, 2016


For years I was not ditching "dairy".  I had milk at night for bed, believing that it calm my nerve down before I fell asleep. As a female, when my organ spoke, I had hot milk to help tranquilize my mid section along with "mid crunches" which the numbers grew to 100 and more, which I believed  worked. For breakfast at home with my family we ate grilled cheese on Saturday morning.  My meal mid-day or later;  milkshake at Macdonald with cheese-filet-a-fish sandwich. The male in my life was recommended to use  hot milk when he found himself allergic to aspiring, it helped him. In our usage of dairy we found it to fill us, another time it helped our physical body, yet it was not naturally created by the Creator. Later in my late twenties I had really unbearable allergies. Our doctor finally recommended what is now on the market for sinusitis symptoms. After usage for about a month are so the sinusitis prescription stopped working. In my search I was informed to do away with drinking milk. When I chose to follow the instruction my allergy stopped. I have not had any allergy or cold for years. The mucus in my nasal passage has been broken. My thanks-giving is first to our Creator, natures God. I always make sure He is in agreement with every step I take. My challenges in  life reminds me to always take that path first. He always works my challenges out even when I mess UP.

There are many allergic reaction here on earth through and in many individuals. Following my research/case studies, I ask that you now allow your ignorance to be "OPEN" with "NOURISHMENT" for your full bodies advise to "Just say No" to any dairy product with the information you are now being fed. Once your immune system is strong them you could introduce some dairy made naturally to your eating life style.

We give you the knowledge to know that dairy products are linked to chronic dis-ease (discomfort) like osteoporosis, heart dis-ease, diabetes, and more. So again I remind you after your immune system  is strengthen then you may reintroduce dairy back into your eating style naturally.

In cows milk for human there is found "Casein" which is the most relevant cancer promoter ever discovered. Humans are the only species on the planet that drinks the milk of another species. The only time that "Humans" should drink milk is when offered at birth by their mother. Mothers have to make sure what they have been eating before pregnancy is not just filling but nourishing.

Our hormone is naturally made in our body. However, when we chose to go with the unnatural "growth hormones" it clogs our pores, causing acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Natural Calcium is needed for our joints which is richly absorbed through nourishment. However, calcium from milk is poorly absorbed because it does not contain the nourishment necessary. Note that through constant usage it ends up clogging the respiratory lungs, nasal passage with mucus plus other unhealthy hybrid  in our body from the unnourished food we consume.

I also tried lactose to replace drinking milk, yet it does not digest properly, leaving the body digestive system chronically bloated, gassy and in discomfort.

If your desire is to lose weight "Ditching-Dairy-Products" is a must. If you do not "DITCH",  it makes losing weight difficult due to high saturated fat content and inflammation, increasing cardiovascular dis-ease, and other body risk.

What are hybrid foods?

 Hybrid foods will not grow in God's natural-nature and survive.  They are crossbreed food which must be nurtured and protected by humans or else they will be overcome by birds, insects worms, fungi and bacteria.  Some common hybrid fruits are: seedless apples, several date varieties like kiwis, seedless pineapples, seedless citrus fruit, seedless grapes, seedless persimmons, seedless watermelons.  Common hybrid vegetables include: beets, carrots, corn, potatoes, celery, and cauliflower.  Common hybrid nuts, seeds and beans include: cashews, oats, rice, wheat, wheat grass, soy, legumes, and most beans.  Common hybrid herbs include: Goldenseal, Ginseng, Echinacea, Chamomile, DonQuay, Aloe Vera, Nut Meg, Comfrey, Garlic".

Hybrid foods are “missing vital electrics, they are unnatural and high in both sugar and starch.  They are devoid of proper mineral balance that all wild foods contain.  So when we eat a lot of hybrid fruit and vegetables that lead to mineral deficiencies, they cause the body to bring heavy minerals from the bones into the blood to buffer the sugar.  This hybrid sugar is not completely recognized by the liver and pancreas.  The minerals and sugar are then spilled off into the urine.  Hybrid sweet fruit and sweet starchy vegetables can over stimulate you and cause you to lose minerals. Hybrid foods are taken out of their natural content and will not assimilate in the body completely, and instead store as a toxin.  They will also damage the mucus membranes.  Hybrid foods can feed fungal conditions like Candida whereas non-hybrid or wild fruit will not lead to such a condition. Be aware  that 99% of the food available to us today are hybrid, high in starch and sugar and carry traces of cyanide poison. Be aware that 50% of these hybrids are more detrimental than others, see the acid/alkaline chart for a complete nutritional guide of the foods that are less harmful and detrimental to the body.

Resources for Hybrids and Crossbreeding can be found by Dr. B. Sirius and David Wolfe's new book called SunFood Diet for the success system.

Call Dr. Aqasikesat for a complete list of Hybrid foods coming from the teachings of Dr. Sebi of the Usha Institue.  617-696-5505

Other resources can be found on the FDA website, check this subject out for yourself.

Always in Marvelous Health!

Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU Thanking YOU for Returning the Shine! 
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” while "SHADOWING" a "CHILD" in "INVESTMENTS" for their "FUTURE".


What is “Shadowing a CHILD? 
Shadowing a "CHILD" is joining: 
* Step [1] Invest in a "CHILD's" FUTURE's WELL-CARE
* Step [2] Educate a "CHILD" with the gift of a "Children's Health Book"
* Step [3] Replace a "CHILD's" meal with proper nutritional tools
For further information let us know "U" are an "INVESTOR": 

***The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
***Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

© 2016 Health Physique, Youngevity | All Rights Reserved | Designed by

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Is HORMONE IMBALANCE the reciprocal of  CANCER Cells?

Many "Ladies" including myself came to one of life's challenges of a lump found on the breast area when the yearly female check up was done by the professional or even preformed by ourselves.  A mammogram may follow, which is an X-tray preformed on the female's breast to see if the lump is benign or cancerous? Having a mammogram yearly is not what I would suggest due to the high radiation exposure.   I have also heard the medical professional referring to the results as "False/Positive" which to me sends a signal that they are not sure of the results. Our male especially many sport players also find themselves in the position for assurance of making sure the broken limb is mending properly. Below you will find a state-of-the-art, and potentially life-saving, method of detecting cancer plus other human body benefits by using thermal imaging.
We all know when the breast is found to be benign it's a huge lift off the female and her family emotional balance. In my case it was a huge lift off my spouse, yet my emotions where stable, due to my relations with the GIFT-OF-PEACE. What I do is I gather PEACE when needed in my life instead of cortisol which increases due to a stressful environment of the wrong anticipation in life. It's a practice that you are determine to teach yourself because you know the results are "Above and Beyond".

In looking for a safe way of detention for what ails the human body I found a radiation free procedure for female and male. It does not take the place of the radiation machines if the body needs further treatment. However it detects tumor, identifies pain membrane and other human body ailment to further benefit the early detection necessary. Click the "THERMOCRAPHY" above you will be taken to the page for more information.


This extremely important chemical messenger in our body secreted by various organs and glands to keep the PHYSICAL-SYSTEM-BALANCE is the HORMONE. Now if a gland or organ is slightly imbalance it causes widespread HEALTH challenges. What my case studies demonstrates is that to alleviate or balance the system what is required is "NATURES MINERAL's to NOURISH the BODY CELLS".  If by chance you decide to use a synthetic hormone replacement for therapeutic help eventually things will spiral down only because our human body is created to use natures care to heal itself not synthetic chemicals. When utilizing synthetic chemicals you may use it for life with other synthetic chemicals to assist. My suggestion is always attempt to go NATURAL with the help of your health care practitioner. You may click on "NATURES MINERALS NOURISHES the Cells", when on the page download "Dr. Sebi's Nutritional Guide" for real food nourishment.

Previously, I addressed our physical balance. However the individual total balance in its entirety its also within self, entitle the "Spirit". If that "Spirit" is not nourish properly with the word you use and the environment you are place in it also creates an imbalance within. We may define it as commonsense or wisdom yet its needed. One of my ways to utilize what I know I need is early meditation of thanksgiving before I leave where I laid my head. After I awake I am aware that I am dehydrated.  My bodies intake of hydration after five to eight or more hours of rest is also needed which is "WATER" preferably "NUTRITIOUS-WATER". I choose lime water to strengthen my immune system. After I am strengthen my challenge is to considered which comes first, movements are break-fast. The Choice chosen is to bring BALANCE to my UNIQUE-SELF. Always remember the "SELF-GIFT-of-SLEEP" helps keep stress hormones balanced, builds energy and allows the body to recover properly. In my continuous study I also have help from many mentors I choose today to have Magdalena founder of Hormone Balance to share her interviewer  (Dr. V) with us. Above click on "REAL NATURE EMPOWERS CELL Food"  and listen. to Dr. V who also identifies  her 7 essential steps to healing from disease.

Dr. V is a #1 best-selling author and has a # 1 Best Selling book on Amazon, “Heal Breast Cancer Naturally”. Her website and her personal healing journey have touched the lives of thousands of women around the globe.
Learn more about her and her work at and

Natural cancer treatments title
One of my mentor  Dr. Axe I have been studying with him for about three years. These are his words to the world. Go to his web page to take note of the "Ten Natural Cancer Treatments". "Have you ever wondered how effective natural cancer treatments can be?" Around 20 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was crazy for my family at the time because my mom was a gym teacher, swim instructor and was always considered to be “healthy.” After her diagnosis, she took the advice of her oncologists at the Cleveland Clinic and underwent a mastectomy followed by many rounds of chemotherapy. I can still remember seeing my mom’s hair fall out and thinking she had aged 10 years in the few weeks following chemo. Praise God, after all of her treatments, she was diagnosed as being “cancer-free” and healthy. But for the next several years, she was sicker than she’d ever been in her life and struggled with constipation, candida, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. Then, around nine years after her first diagnosis, a terrible thing happened: She was diagnosed with cancer again. At that point, I had experience working in the natural health field, so when I flew home, we prayed together and talked about the best healthcare strategy.  She decided to pursue natural cancer treatments by focusing on diet and lifestyle changes."
I totally agree however our methodology begins with "Your-Meditation" with the sound of your preference compose by our composer for your ear...

Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU Thanking YOU for Returning the Shine! 
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” while "SHADOWING" a "CHILD" in "INVESTMENTS" for their "FUTURE".


What is “Shadowing a CHILD? 
Shadowing a "CHILD" is joining: 
* Step [1] Invest in a "CHILD's" FUTURE WELL-CARE
* Step [2] Educate a "CHILD" with the gift of a "Children's Health Book"
* Step [3] Replace a "CHILD's" meal with proper nutritional tools
For further information let us know "U" are an "INVESTOR": 

***The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
***Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

© 2016 Health Physique, Youngevity | All Rights Reserved | Designed by


Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Alkaline is Important!
Our history informs us that for century food can determine our overall pH.. level, or alkaline level. YES! Our HEALTH!

 In 1931, history also informs us that Dr. Otto Warburg, won the Novel Prize for the discovery of between 90-95 percent of all cancers are caused by an acidic environment. NOW,  know our ignorance is wide "OPEN" to the  Knowledge that cancer simply can't grow or even survive in an "ALKALINE" environment especially when our bodies pH level is around 7.36.

In my research/case studies, I found that we could take  "Your Body Acidity Assessment Report" , clink and create that assessment for your future benefit. What would follow are the following questions:

[1] Which of these foods do you eat frequently?

[2] How would you describe your weight?

[3] How would you describe your daily energy level?

[4] Do you suffer from the following?
(Check all that apply)

[5] Do you suffer from any of these heath conditions?

[6] Do you suffer from any of the following sleep issues?

[7] How would you describe your digestive system?

Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU, Thanking YOU for Returning the Shine!
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” while SHADOWING a "CHILD" in "INVESTMENTS" for their "FUTURE".

What is “Shadowing a CHILD? 
Shadowing a "CHILD" is joining: 
* Step [1] Invest in a "CHILD's" FUTURE WELL-CARE
* Step [2] Educate a "CHILD" with the gift of a "Children's Health Book"
* Step [3] Replace a "CHILD's" meal with proper nutritional tools
For further information let us know "U" are an "INVESTOR": 

***The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
***Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

© 2016 Health Physique, Youngevity | All Rights Reserved | Designed by

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


There are many "Nutritional Guide" list for us to follow as a nutritional assist. However, through my research found many good "Nutritional Guide". Yet the one that intrigued me was Dr. Sebi's 
"Nutritional Guide" because his research went as far as the "Supreme Court" with his facts that also gave restoration to many who where in discomfort. Here is the list you may delight in following:





Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU! CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” while shadowing a "CHILD" in "INVESTMENTS" for their "FUTURE".


What is “Shadowing a CHILD? 
Shadowing a "CHILD" is joining the HEALTH-PHYSIQUE TEAM to:
* Step [1] Invest in a "CHILD's" future welfare
* Step [2] Educate a "CHILD" with the gift of a "Children's Health Book"
* Step [3] Replace a "CHILD's" meal with proper nutrition for one year 
For further information let us know "U" are an "INVESTOR": 

***The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
***Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

© 2016 Health Physique, Youngevity | All Rights Reserved | Designed by

Monday, October 3, 2016



Last year 2015  I participated in  the Cancer Walkathon in New York with my family. We had a marvelous time with all individual involved. While walking we were being entertained by many children's club involved with different unique talents. Their where many dancers, cheer leaders, Caribbean instrument children players, we had a "GRAND" time. What I did notice is that our children where running low on energy included my little ones. Therefore, this year our children need to be equipped with the right energy fuel to keep or overpass each other like a game.

PIFIA-ATHLETICS last year entitle their Cancer promotion "CHILD" LOVE LIFE'. We were united with B C CLUB CHILDREN WALKATHON Asking children to find more time to exercise to end cancer.  This year however PIFIA TEAM united with Sohaila's HEALTH-PHYSIQUE is using a different approach  after intensive research due to so many more cancer children  reaching their  discomfort along with family members. Our new approach is asking every individual in the world to "SHADOW-A-CHILD". How you may ask? By investing in a child, utilizing or awaking the "CHILD" in you to be who that child looks to for answer and when you are not able to locate the answer Sohaila's HEALTH-PHYSIQUE is here to guide you through.

The way to stay energized is by eating alkaline food, natural food with a pH. level of 7.1 and above. Alkaline food that nourishes your body, keeping your immune system strong. Alkaline food is electric food that energizes every membrane, cell in our body. Cleaning us out and waking us up with "ENERGY". We will have a list out for you of the alkaline food you may use to prepare to keep your pH, level high enough for your immune systems strength. That list will be out on my blog.

The liquid that energizes is alkaline liquid. However you are also able to make your own drink that energizes too. You are able to find that drink on "Sohaila's Health-Physique @ Instagram".

Why Alkaline Is So Important
They have know for century that food can determine our overall pH levels, our overall health.  In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg, won the Novel Prize in Phycology or Medicine for his discovery that 90-95% of all cancers are caused by an acidic environment and that cancer simply cannot grow or survive in an alkaline environment (your body) when your pH is around 7.36.

How to Make Alkaline DRINK Ingredients:
* 1 organic lime (it is important to use only organic limes as they are pesticide-free) 
* 2 L of purified liquid (an osmosis filter is good if you have one, but liquid that is free of all chemicals and additives is the goal) 
* 1 tablespoon Himalayan salt (which you can find at most health food stores) 
* 1 large glass jar (it must be glass as plastic contains chemicals and impurities that are acidic to your body)
* Fill the glass jar with the liquid 
* Slice the lime and add it to the liquid. (do not squeeze out the juice) 
* Add the Himalayan salt. 
* Cover the jar and leave it at room temperature for 12-24 hours.
After the liquid has had time to sit, drink 3 glasses of this alkaline liquid on an empty stomach. It is always best to do this first thing in the morning before you start your day or put anything else in to your body.
You can also drink alkaline liquid throughout the day. Over time, you will begin to see a difference in how you feel (more energy), your skin will become clearer, and your brain more alert—you will generally feel more alive.
If you couple this with a healthier style of eating, one in which you avoid processed foods, sugar and additives, it won’t be long before you begin to see a healthier (more alkaline) you.

You may go on October 16th 2016 to "CELEBRATE Cancer FREE Cells" in Bklyn., NY

Sohaila, Clusters of Stars Shining on YOU! 
CEO of Sohaila’s Health-Physique where together we create “YOUR- UNIQUE-BLUEPRINT” to help you “INVEST IN YOURSELF” while shadowing a "CHILD" with "Self-Investment"


What is “Shadowing a CHILD? 
For further information let us know "U" are interested: 

***The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
***Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

© 2016 Health Physique, Youngevity | All Rights Reserved | Designed by