No More Bloating???
"We are explained that bloating is caused by the process during the digestion, characterized by the accumulation of gas in the intestine. However, what's strange is despite us eating and drinking certain foods that leads to bloating; consuming other foods actually reduces the problem. That puffy feeling can be relieved or prevented by others foods we eat or infuse into our water."
[1] Water with Lime
Lime is a gentle laxative. What really helps you lessen the bloating is drinking water. "See many of us think we should avoid more liquid when we are bloated. However, retaining water is the body's way of holding on to fluid allowing us to not become dehydrated. Therefore, drinking more water helps "flat tommy" allowing the body to discharge the appropriate among of liquid."
[2] Celery
Celery, is said to be use commonly as a digestive aid to regulate bowel movements and control intestinal gas. "The chemicals that reside in stalks of this vegetable have been known to decrease fluid retention."
"But keep in mind that when you're bloated, it's best to lean toward cooked veggies over raw, as the fiber structure is broken down when vegetables are cooked, making them more easily digestible."
[3] Watermelon
Watermelon the juiciest fruit consisting of 92% water, which we now know is instrumental in reducing bloating." Almost all melons are beneficial to your health in some way. "Watermelon also has natural diuretic properties and is an excellent source of potassium, making it very helpful in balancing the levels of sodium and potassium in the body, which is also important to taming bloating."
[4] Rosemary
Rosemary, herb used to treat indigestion that can lead to bloating. "Has been traditionally used to treat all kinds of ailments, including muscle pain and spasms. Consuming a sprig on its own would be a little weird, so steeping some in your next cup of tea or combining it with some celery to make a broth is a good way to get what you need from it."
[5] Beans and Lentils
"Dietary fiber-rich lentils are an excellent choice for aiding your digestion when bloated, and potassium-packed beans, like white beans, and lima beans are actually the highest-fiber vegetables you can get. Taking in too much sodium and not enough potassium and fiber can keep you suffering from bloating on a regular basis, so lowering your sodium intake and elevating up your potassium levels can be the fastest way to reduce bloating."
[6] Rice or Quinoa
"Certain foods, especially some carbohydrates, are either completely indigestible or can only be partially digested in your stomach. These foods are to blame for gas buildup and therefore contribute to bloating. According to the American College of Gastroenterology, rice and rice flour are a good substitute for starches like wheat, oats, corn, and potatoes, as rice is fully digested in the small intestines, giving it the least chance of forming gases in your gut." Now my choice is quinoa because it has magnesium. A mineral needed for your muscle function. Now, they are finding that we are highly deficit in it. Also do take note it's essential for the function of your heart muscle,
[7] Yogurt
Yogurt is said to fight bloating when it namely has active cultures. "Further, though most yogurts are generally a healthy choice, consuming yogurt that contains active cultures on a regular basis increases your levels “good" bacteria — in your digestive tract. Doing this will keep things moving and prevent your belly bloat. Your best bets are plain, yogurt. Example given. If you have a sweet tooth, it is better to mix in fresh fruit at home rather than to buy flavored yogurts, which can be high in added sugars." Note mostly everything you put to your mouth has sugar. Therefore, you need to be on guard. Hey is your temple.
[8] Banana
Banana your potassium intake. "Though we've talked about gas playing a big part in bloating, sodium is also a cause. Because there is so much sodium in processed foods and restaurant meals nowadays, it is much easier to consume large amounts without knowing it. And that sodium attracts and retains water in the body, while potassium counters those effects. Keeping an eye on your overall potassium-sodium level is important for water balance in the body. If you suspect today's bloat is a result of last night's salty dinner, add a sliced banana to some oatmeal this morning to bring back the balance." For nutrients replace oatmeal with quinoa. You could also ferment your oatmeal overnight for proper nutrients.
[9] Papaya
Papaya this tropical fruit inside you find a white, milky substance called papain, an enzyme that promotes digestion. "Now, I know it may not be the most popular fruit or easy to find in your standard grocery store, but the papaya is still worth considering, as you can easily pop some slices into a breakfast smoothie."
[10] Cucumber
Cucumbers are a great way to deflate a puffy tummy. "The high water and high dietary fiber content of these veggies can cause increased urination, which will make you feel less full. And since bloating is a temporary state, and not a reflection of the actual size and shape of your normal body, feeling like your normal self again can at least give you mental relief, even if you might suffer through a few more days of physical discomfort."
Hydration Using the Right Temperature
My Mentor:
- For more Information concerning the Bottle infuser
- For more Information on your interest on bloating
- For more Information on "Uniting-Culture"
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