Ask yourself what must I leave behind for "My-Better-Health". In my research I have not found a "Functional-Care-Giver" who in detail explains it with clear passion for our understanding. He is known to be a Naturopath Medical Doctor, Dr Glidden.
Many Functional Medicine Practitioners in their search for ways to regenerate the stomach function, found that the protein we get from: wheat, barley, rye, oats is not broken down to be digested in the small intestines -- Thereby, concluding that the gluten in these product cannot be digested by a large percentage of our community. This gluten protein leads to symptoms that are not very easy on the body. Dr Peter Osborne just wrote a book "No Grain No Pain" giving us an amazing option for omitting toxic food easily, so you can end dis-ease & get your HEALTH & your LIFE back.
Gluten leads to the destruction of the villi wall in your intestine. When those walls are destroyed the end result is malabsorption, the genesis of chronic dis-ease such as:
Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerated colitis, celiac, & Crohn dis-ease. Dr. Glidden asks that you also go to his website to watch his free video " Against the Grain". The good news is the villi wall can be repaired with nutrients. Go to the following site: for the following nutritional package: "The Healthy Digestion Pak" for the proper construction of the villi wall in the small intestine. Along with continuous healthy meal, leading to a "Healthy-Life-Style"
Doctor Glidden's studies show that "FRIED FOODS" leads to slow death by cancer...
• Acrylamide
• Carcinogenic
• Pro-inflammatory
• Example KFC, French fries
You may cut your white or sweet potatoes into fries or chicken to be baked for a healthier meal.
We are being informed that any cooking oil exposed to air will cause in our body oxidation causing cancer and help clog arteries. An example is the "Mediterranean diet" that includes the olive oil. Yes, even the olive oil. Dr. Glidden, also stated that coconut oil may give us more time in the physical body but eventually the end result is slow death with dis-ease.
Stomach acid is necessary for proper digestion. Research tells us that the acid in our mid section if acid touches your skin will burn a hole right through. That is one of the amazing facts of creation. Now if we decide to drink any carbonated drink it neutralizes stomach acid reducing the efficiency of the absorption of nutrients during digestion. To receive the proper nutrient of the meal eaten You may drink the carbonated drink one hour and a half before or after meal. My suggestion for life is no carbonated drink at all.
* Well done red meat
* The skin on any baked potato or yam
* The preservatives in meat
These chemical causing cancer are:
* Heterocyclic Amines
* Nitrates
* Nitrosamines
Per Dr. Glidden's explanation NITROSAMINES are also the cause of
• Inflammation
• Oxidation in the small intestines
Know that inflammation is what our cell does to defend our organs. However, too much shows in "f-a-t" adding to other dis-ease. Therefore, for much better health,
Dr Peter Osborne says it this way:
"Reverse the grain-Brain" is a "game" is my addition. So is "Reverse-the-grain-Brain-Game"
Always in Marvelous Health!
HealthPhysique Engineering Specialist,
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